Cantak damridbyxa i B-Move light, knee grip från Equiline
Klassiskt snygg i det tunna materialet B-move light (250g/m2). Tech knee grip system som garanterar perfekt stabilitet i sadeln. Praktiska fickor med dragkedja. En väldigt skön och stretchig byxa med hög andas-funktion och quick dry effekt. Equiline-loggan i benslutet är en cool detalj och ger byxan en exklusiv look.
Obs! Italienska storlekar! Ex. Italiensk stl 44 motsvarar norsk stl 40
Farge Navy

"Equiline is committed every day to creating unique products. Every creation is, for me, like a work of art. Equiline constantly believes in research and development, keeping up with - and often anticipating - market innovations with a pioneering and eco-sustainable vision. The well-being of the horse and the satisfaction of our customers are essential values, as is the respect and care for the environment. Ride into Green is the philosophy that guides all of Equiline's choices" - founder, Paolo Marchetto.