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INCREDIWEAR EQUINE Circulation Standing Wraps


Art.nr: EN103
Vennligst velg


Incrediwear Equine Circulation Standing Wraps har en komfortabel passform og er designet for å optimalisere prestasjonsevnen og fremskynde kroppens restitusjonsprosess.


  • Bokshvile etter trening
  • Transport
  • Rehabilitering etter skade.

1 Par bandasjeunderlag - 45x35x11 cm


  • Reduserer hevelse og betennelse
  • Reduserer muskelfatigue og stivhet
  • Økt blodsirkulasjon
  • Økt lymfedrenasje
  • Fremskynder restitusjonsprosessen

Kuldeterapi – NB! Circulation Standing Wraps skal ikke brukes våte for kjøling. Bruk Circulation Hoof Socks or Circulation Exercise Bandages for kjøling.

Siden Incrediwear-produkter ikke er basert på komprimering, kan det brukes i lengre perioder – opptil et døgn.


The magic of Incrediwear lies in its ability not only increase blood circulation, but lymphatic flow as well.
This is what makes this technology a break-through in Equine and Human healthcare.



Unlike compression products, Incrediwear products do not need to compress to work. Instead, our technology incorporates semiconductor elements Germanium & Carbon within our fabric, which when activated by body heat, release negative ions. The negative ions activate molecular vibrations that increase not only blood circulation, but lymphatic flow as well. Increasing blood flow and speed and lymphatic drainage helps bring more oxygen and nutrients to the target area and clear out all the by-products. Thus optimizing the body’s natural healing process and accelerating recovery.


In December of 2008, a near fatal cycling accident threatened to paralyze me for life. I needed a solution, a new way to heal, away to be free from the limitations of inflammation and pain and get back to my active life. That's how I invented Incrediwear technology.

In that sense, Incrediwear is not just wearable technology, it is a lifestyle philosophy.


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