HORSEWARE Amigo 1200D med integrert hals 0g Grey / Silver
The Horseware Amigo 1200D Integrated 0g Turnout Sheet features a 1200 denier polyester outer. It contains thermobonded fiber fill and is lined with anti-static, shine enhancing, anti-bacterial lining. The v-front closure and surefit design offers your horse freedom of movement to graze. Dual leg arches allow your horse to run and play and the three cross surcingles and wipe clean tail cord keep it in place. There are reflective strips for low visibility days. The Horseware Amigo 1200D Integrated comes with an integrated/fixed hood that cannot be removed. This blanket is waterproof. 0g of fill.
- Waterproof
- Breathable
- 0g of fiber fill
- V front closure
- Integrated hood
- Wipe clean tail cord
- Anti-bacterial, anti-static, shine enhancing lining
- Dual leg arches
- 3 crossed surcingles
- Leg strap loops
- Tail flap
Valgbare størrelser er lagerført og sendes omgående
Dekkenet vises på bildet i black / silver men farge er Grey/Silver (oppdateres)

Horseware startet i det små i Dundalk, Irland i 1985. Etter måneder med prøving og feiling i garasjen med mye håndsøm greide Tom og Caril MacGuinness utvikle den første prototypen av Rambo Original. Dette dekkenet satte standarden for moderne dekken design. I dag er Horseware verdensledende som produsent av hestedekken.
Filosofien til Horseware var og er å produsere vanntette, pustende dekken som ligger godt på hesten under alle forhold og ikke gir gnag.
Idag blir fortsatt Ramboserien produsert i Irland under de vaktsomme øynene til Tom MacGuinness, like påpasselig som alltid med detaljer og kvalitet som i 1985.
Horseware har 120 ansatte i Dundalk i Irland, 40 ansatte i Kinston i Usa og 250 ansatte på deres fabrikker i Kina og Kambodsja. Horseware er uten tvil et globalt selskap.
Målsetting We never stop evolving; we're always seeking out untrodden paths, pushing boundaries and finding new challenges.
Horseware tror sterkt på å skape og innovere, gjennom denne målsettingen greier de å skape en forskjell i livet til deg og din hest
How to fit your Horseware Blanket
The fit of your blanket is extremely important to ensure the comfort of your horse and to prevent rubbing and blanket slippage. As horses of the same height at the wither come in a variety of shapes and sizes, it is useful to take certain measurements of your horse.
Using a soft measuring tape, measure from (A) at the center point of the chest, across the point of the shoulder and to the point (B) at the center of the tail. When you have the measurement, remove 10cm (4inches) and choose your horse’s size from the table below. Bear in mind that every horse is different and that this table is a guide only. We have many different styles to suit all shapes and sizes.
What blanket suits my horse?
For a deep shouldered horse with a deep neck and wide build you would need the XL cut, which is 20% deeper in the neck and sides to give them room, or you could choose the Optimo style blankets which have the ultimate freedom of movement.
For a deep shouldered, narrow horse you would be advised to have a Surefit design with V-Front closure.
For an average build of horse, go with a classic neck cut or if you prefer to give them more comfort again, a V-Front fit would suit.
For high withered narrow horses a Wug® helps to reduce the wither pressure.
For very narrow or young horses the Wug® or All-In-One design rugs are good choices to help fit their shape and prevent the rugs from slipping.