Karolina HEAT oppvarmede ridebukser med full grep gir uovertruffen komfort og avansert teknologi for ryttere som krever topp ytelse.
Disse ridebuksene er laget av 4-veis stretchmateriale for optimal bevegelsesfrihet og perfekt passform. Pusteevnen og kompresjonsegenskapene forbedrer blodsirkulasjonen og støtter musklene når du rir. Stoffet er vannavstøtende, noe som sikrer et pent og tørt utseende under alle forhold.
Takket være dobbeltlaget og integrert Heat iWarm-teknologi holder du deg varm selv på de kaldeste dagene. Buksens struktur med høy tetthet gir slitestyrke og langvarig støtte, mens den hurtigtørkende funksjonen sørger for at du alltid holder deg tørr. Det fulle grepet gir ekstra stabilitet i salen, noe som gjør Karolina HEAT-ridebuksene ideelle for intensiv trening og konkurranser.
Perfekt for ryttere som krever komfort og ytelse året rundt.
Ønsker du en annen størrelse enn valgbare? Kontakt oss på butikken@stallhoymyr.no - vi sjekker lagerstatus for bestilling. Ved bestilling estimert ca en uke levering

About Kingsland Equestrian
More than twenty years ago, Kingsland Equestrian was born from the heart of a true equestrian. Noticing that most riding wear brands didn’t consider the rigors of equestrian sport - and that those that did overlooked design - Lin Kingsrød took it upon herself to create one of the first high-quality, functional, and beautifully designed brand for the avid equestrian.
Twenty-two years later, Kingsland is a world leader in equestrian sport and lifestyle apparel and, to this day, creates attire with quality, functionality, and design first in mind.
A Norwegian brand, Kingsland has a reputation for stunning yet practical attire, blending classic equestrian fashion and contemporary design - truly drawing on Norway’s minimalism and nature-inspired attitude.
As a company, we are powered by equestrians and live a horsey lifestyle each and every day. Surrounded by the horses and sport we so love, our inspiration and creativity truly is fueled by horses and is an integral part of who we are.
We always keep this in mind as we honor the classic equestrian style, season after season, with high-quality materials and exclusive designs for all equine aficionados and their magnificent mounts.
As a company dedicated to outdoor pursuits, Kingsland prides itself on being mindful of environmental impact, with sustainability a priority now and forever.