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Refil Equi-N-Ice, 500ml


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Equi-N-ice REFIL 500 ml 

Vi kjøler hestens bein for å forebygge mot skader, eller når hesten allerede har en skade.   Det er viktig å ha en plan for når man bruker ulike metoder for å oppnå et godt resultat.

EQUI-N-ICE mer effektiv kjøling enn is, vann, leire mm

-        Kjøler raskere og mer (patenterte kjøle løsning)   enn is, vann, leire, annet

-        Lang kjøletid 2 – 3 timer

-        Enkel å ha med på stevneplass, feltritt, distanseritt, trav, galoppp  ol.

-        Du trenger ikke tilgang til vann, fryser mm

-        Kjøl der hvor hesten trenger det – hvor du kan bandasjere


Kjøling av hestens bein – senke smerte – betennelse – forhindre nye skader – reduserer hevelse
- rett etter en treningsøkt
- direkte etter en overanstrengelse eller skade
- har hesten en skade kan man kjøle flere ganger pr dag

Gaffelbånd – Bøyesene – Has – Framkne – Kode – Senekjedebetennelse – Kronledd – Hovledd – Forstuelse - Overtråkk

Equi-N-icE Coolant 2.5 litre, for recharging Equi-N-icE Bandages and Rapid Cooler Rugs.

  • Instant cooling – Equi-N-icE’s cooling properties work instantaneously, giving immediate relief
  • Reduces inflammation and bruising
  • Promotes healing and speeds up recovery
  • Quick and easy to apply even to awkward knees and hocks
  • No refrigeration needed, Equi-N-icE provides instant cooling straight from the packet
  • 2.5 litres will recharge the bandage over 30 times

Equi-N-icE Coolant lets you get repeated use from your Equi-N-icE cooling bandages and rug. The coolant can be applied directly onto the bandage when it is on the horse or you can recharge your bandage or rug by replacing it in the resealable pack and adding coolant.

This 2.5 litre bottle of Equi-N-icE Coolant will provide 31 recharges of your Equi-N-icE Bandage or 10 recharges of your Equi-N-icE Cooling Rug, each recharge will give up to 2 hours of cooling.

Upon application of the Equi-N-icE Reusable Cooling Bandage the temperature of the treated area will drop by 10 to 15°C within 20 minutes and the bandage will stay cold for up to two hours after application and can be safely used for as long as is needed.

EQUI-N-ICETo recharge your bandage

  • Remove the bandage, roll up and replace into resealable pouch
  • Add 80ml of recharge coolant (use 250ml to recharge your rug)
  • Seal the pouch and shake briefly
  • Your bandage is now ready for it’s next use


Cold and compression is well documented as the most effective way of treating inflammation, swelling and bruising of muscles, tendons and ligaments for both preventative and remedial purposes.

Proven to reduce heat twice as efficiently as other cryo-therapies, Equi-N-icE works by drawing heat away from the affected area through a process of rapid evaporation, rather than forcing cold in as is the case with Ice Packs.

Designed to be applied directly to the horse's leg, Equi-N-icE provides a much more effective and safer alternative to Ice Packs and other techniques that allow extreme cold temperatures to come into contact with the leg and can cause pain or damage to the injured tissue.

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