Hi-Oil Racehorse Cooked Mix 15%
Høyt Oljenivå, Havre basert, Høy energi muesli for Løpshester
Passer perfekt for:
- Løpshester i full trening
- Hester som trenger en müsli med høyt energi nivå og kornbasert diett.
- Hester som jobber i krevende klima.
- Hester som trenger ekstra form.
Spesielt utviklet for
- Rask energi
- Optimal utholdenhet
- Restutisjon og påfyll av glukogen til musklene
- Lite muskelmasse og toppline utvikling
- Bein styrke og integritet.
RED MILLS Blandinger tilbyr
- Høyt innhold av olje.
- Trippel fullkorns blanding
- Dampkokt for bedre opptak og fordøyelse
- Kilde til kvalitetsprotein og esensielle aminosyrer
- RED MILLS Proff Vitamin og mineral balanse, rikt på jern og kobber
- Tilsatt antioksidanter og vitamin E + selen
- Inneholder elektrolytter
- Tilsatt vitamin K og mineraler for å støtte bein og skjelett
DET GIS 10% VED KJØP AV PALL (40 SEKKER), trekkes fra ved bestilling.

With the horse at the centre of the business and a long-standing history within the farming community, the Connolly family has witnessed significant growth over our many generations of equine feed production. What began as a humble mill in the heart of County Kilkenny, South-East Ireland later grew to become an industry-leading global brand through our unwavering commitment to innovation, quality and the sharing of our equine expertise with our customers while listening to their needs. Our origins in the farming region of County Kilkenny, South-East Ireland, where our mill has operated since 1908 has made it possible for us to deliver product excellence throughout our years of business growth. The Connolly’s RED MILLS brand has become a pioneer in the industry with a shared passion for the care of the horses that are owned by our valued customers. Placing the horse at the centre of everything we do, our dedication to equine well-being and health is represented by our extensive range of high-quality products which undergo rigorous testing at our on-site laboratories, ensuring the same level of quality is delivered from our farm to your winning post. Being able to carry our brand throughout decades of natural and socio-economic challenges is attributed to the innovation of the five generations of Connollys who have ensured we remain a self-sustaining brand. We maintain our competitive edge in the agricultural, and pet and animal feed industry since Michael Connolly’s purchase of the famous mill in Goresbridge, County Kilkenny, from where we continue to grow our own quality raw materials for production and supply today. Our local roots have grown to become an international footprint across more than 80 countries worldwide as a leading supplier to trusting global trainers and owners.Our commitment to innovation over our many years of high-quality equine feed production has placed Connolly’s RED MILLS at the forefront of the industry and allowed us to expand our roots globally.
Growing from a local mill in South-East Ireland to a global brand available in over 80 countries worldwide
Connolly's RED MILLS is renowned for its high-performance animal feed solutions
Velg din hest`s arbeids mengde om du vet hesten din sin vekt eller bruk linjen med per 100kg kropsvekt.
Arbeidsmengde | 400 kg | 500 kg | 600 kg | Per 100 kg Kroppsvekt |
Lett arbeide | 0.8 - 2.4 kg | 1.0 - 3.0 kg | 1.2 - 3.6 kg | 0.2 - 0.6 kg /100 kg KV/DAG |
Moderat arbeide | 1.6 - 3.2 kg | 2.0 - 4.0 kg | 2.4 - 4.8 kg | 0.4 - 0.8 kg /100 kg KV/DAG |
Hard trening | 3.2 - 4.8 kg | 4.0 - 6.0 kg | 4.8 - 7.2 kg | 0.8 - 1.2 kg /100 kg KV/DAG |
Intensiv trening | 4.8 - 6.4 kg | 6.0 - 8.0 kg | 7.2 - 9.6 kg | 1.2 - 1.6 kg /100 kg KV/DAG |
Havreflak (dampkokte), Maisflak (dampkokte), byggflak (dampkokte), (sukker) rørmelasse, soyabønnemel, soyabønneflak (dampkokte), soya (bønne) skall, ekstruderte soyabønner, erter Flak, soyaolje, hvete, solsikkefrømel, hvetefôr, bygg, kalsiumkarbonat, mono-dikalsiumfosfat, natriumklorid, magnesium oksyd
Råprotein 15,0 % Råfiber 8,5 % Råoljer og fett 8,5 % Råaske 7,0 % Kalsium 1,00 % Fosfor 0,60 % Natrium 0,28 % Klorid 0,69 % Kalium 0,89 % Magnesium 0,30 % Fordøyelig energi 13,3 MJ/kg Vitaminer Vitamin A 18000 iu Vitamin D3 2400 iu Vitamin E 360 iu Sporelementer Jern 144 mg Jod 1,8 mg Kobber 72 mg Mangan 120 mg Sink 216 mg Selen 0,6 mg