Senebeskyttere med dobbel ventilasjon, syntetfåreskinn på innsiden.
Syntetmatriale har mange fordeler:
-Lettere å holde rent og tørker fortere
-Holder mykheten og formen lengre enn ekte fåreskinn
-Sand som kommer inn i belegget kommer fort ut igjen
Veredus® is passionately committed to a complete and innovative line of sport horse leg protection and care. Advanced technology, leading-edge raw materials, accuracy, and attention to detail are the elements that make Veredus® unique.
The Veredus® Boot Collection ensures that your horse’s legs are protected in the latest most technically advanced anatomically designed boots available on the market. No matter your preferred discipline - Jumpers, Eventing, or Dressage – Veredus® has a horse boot designed for your horse.